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The Last Airbender: Why I Love The Movie (& Get Annoyed with People Who Hate It) – Another Rant by Sukai Todd!

Hello Readers,

Some of you are going to hate me for even posting this blog, but I’m doing it because I can and I feel like there are some topics that need to be addressed about this seemingly “horrendous” movie; that nobody has the guts (or intelligence) to talk about. So, trigger warning: Yes, strong language. And yes, I’m praising M. Night Shyamalan’s film adaptation of the KOREAN anime series “Avatar: The Last Airbender”. So, if you don’t want to read about this shit; go read another blog or forum where you can hate on the film, all the fuck you want! Are we clear? Good! Let’s get into it…

Okay, so the first thing, I’d love to address to the all haters of “The Last Airbender” film directed by M. Night Shyamalan is the pronunciations of “Aang”, “Sokka” and other names in the film. Ya’ know, how I mentioned earlier that despite most people’s belief, “Avatar: The Last Airbender” is a Japanese anime. It’s NOT. It is a Korean anime, it was first written and piloted in South Korea. *Gasps Dramatically* Shocking! Isn’t it? But yes, sweethearts… It’s a KOREAN anime. Not Japanese. And yes, this is coming a Japanese & Korean anime fan! Or K-Taku. [K-Taku: A word used to describe an otaku (anime lover) who also likes South Korean stuff; such as K-Pop, dramas and anime.]. Alright, so now we’ve established that this anime is Korean. Let’s talk about those name pronunciations… Guess what, folks? The “Aang” pronunciation, that you all know and adore – Is the Americanized version of his name. In actuality, the names are Korean. And as such, M. Night Shyamalan changed the name pronunciations into their original KOREAN pronunciations! *Gasps Again* Shocking, isn’t it? That a director would have the AUDACITY to change the names of Korean anime characters back to their Korean name pronunciations! How dare HE! Isn’t that just the most evil thing, to do an AMERICAN fanbase???! No. Genius (or geniuses, reading this blog who can’t pick up on my cold-ass sarcasm already…). No. Bitches! It’s not an insult. It’s fucking respecting the origins of the anime, in my humble opinion. So, for all you American smartass otakus who wanna say “But it’s pronounced ‘Aang’!”; do your research, next time! Because in the Korean version, it isn’t. So, BINGO! There’s a reason, why he changed the name pronunciations.

But, God forbid an American audience fucking get that their skulls… Especially seeing M. Night Shyamalan has some roots NOT in America. Now, let’s talk about the “white-washing” in this film… Yes, some of the characters were played by white people. But in my opinion, race should NOT be an issue; because these actors and actresses pulled off their characters well… And you wanna talk race, with me? Let’s about Dev Petal, who played the well-loved (and early on deeply despised, by the fandom) character Prince Zuko. Dev Petal, is not white. It’s easy to tell, in the movie. Nor is the man who plays Uncle Iroh… Well, isn’t that just the darnedest thing? And Princess Yue is not played a white actor, either. So, once more, RACE should NOT be an issue in terms of actors and actresses either! But I digress, most people will try and pull that card in the comments because they want to seem like they know more about racial issues in America than I do.

Which, if you’d like to pull that shit read my previous blog called “Dear Humanity” and see how intelligent you are, after reading it! Shameless plugs, out of the way… It’s time for me to address the biggest issue, that annoys me with these haters of the movie. They think they know everything about film-making… When HALF of them, actually probably more than half of them (those gaming otakus, yea, I’m looking at you guys…); have NEVER made a big budget movie, in their life! And more than half of them, don’t know how challenging that is! Now, you can guess, I haven’t made a big-budget film in my life, yet… But it is a goal of mine! So, I’ve been a behind-the-scenes person with DVDs, like it’s nobody’s business… And I can tell you, from what I’ve seen it takes plenty of sleepless nights, tons of work and a ton of frustrations to make a beautiful movie. And “The Last Airbender” was a beautiful movie, in every sense of the phrase, in my opinion! The costumes, the music and the message in the movie. To flow like water… I cried at the movie, because it moved me! It saved my life, at a time when I seriously needed it…

Although, having an emotional connection to a movie, people hate is truly a horrendous thing in this nerd-raging community, these days… So, ya’ know? I’m such an evil person for actually acknowledging that! Right? Wrong! Because, guess what I’m a humanoid Moon princess who came to carve my own path and possibly inspire the only other human being alive (if there is one…) who also loves this film. Most likely, through this blog post! Though, I’m not 100% sure. And I don’t think, I need to be. I’ll let the Universe tell me. And for anyone ready to type, your hate comments… Just know, I won’t be listening. Because I do think you’re all blind, deaf and dumb; if you’ve actually read the entirety of this blog and still want to hate on me and hate on the movie — After all you’ve just learned. Yes, you’re all ignorant, if you leave those hate comments! But that’s just my opinion… Send me death threats, if you so desire… And I’ll send them to the cops, in my area! ^_^ Keep that in mind, geniuses!

And for anyone, who does on the 1,000% off-chance actually like this blog and does agree with me. You’re welcome to speak up, as well! Just because, this movie doesn’t deserve all the bullshit hatred it gets; in my opinion. And if people actually did their research, they would be a little smarter about the movies they hate on. Although some of it, is a racial thing… Which annoys me, the most about these nerd-rage bitches! It’s your opinion, it doesn’t mean 1. It’s actually valid and 2. It does NOT mean you’re right or that it’s ACTUALLY true. So, stop forcing your dumbass rage on others, who DO NOT agree with you! And again, any death threats will be documented and sent to my local cops. But I know, there are idiots online… So, I’m prepared for those idiots.

However, I feel that I’ve ranted enough… Bitches can say whatever they want and still look like ignorant dumbasses, with no signs of intelligence to me. And yes, everyone is entitled to their opinions. But it’s time we end nerd rage. So, let’s end it! Starting with this obviously enraged ranting, but it could be used a great example; if anyone wants to cite it for their own work in creating positivity in this toxic-ass cosplay community. Remember though, use MLA format, folks! 😉 😉 Well, those are my two cents to a twenty bill on this annoying-ass issue, I’ve held back on for like 6 years… I think I’ve said more than enough!

Thanks For Reading This (For those few who read it all the through…),

Sukai Todd! xoxo

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