Life Lessons & Spiritual Growth, Music & Being An Otaku, Relationships & Being An Otaku, Uncategorized

Sukai Todd’s 10 Lessons in 10 Years [2009 to 2019] (Explicit)

Hello All!

The new decade is upon us and I thought I’d share a little wisdom, I’ve gained over the past 10 years. And hopefully help anyone out there who needs it. 🙂

Here My 10 Lessons in 10 Years [2009 through 2019]. And be warned there are explicit words used. Of course, no racial slurs or things like that. But I curse, #sorrynotsorry.

  1. Expect nothing and appreciate everything. I feel like this one is pretty self-explanatory, but honestly I’ve learned over the years that not expecting (neither good nor bad) can save myself a lot of heartache and grant me lots of pleasant surprises, at times. So, that’s my top lesson over the past 10 years.
  2. Expect nothing and appreciate everything; and everything in-between. Again, this one is self-explanatory. It’s more so an extension of the first lesson. But it’s a reminder to myself, that there is good and bad in everything; and that’s okay.
  3. Bad things fall apart, so better things can fall together. Yes, this quote is paraphrased from the iconic Marilyn Monroe (not sorry…) but it’s more fitting for this era in my belief. I think it’s a perfect way to handle the worst times in life, just remind yourself that you’re going through all the bad things in order to experience the better things. Most likely even better things, than you originally expected! 🙂
  4. I am much stronger than I give myself credit for.
  5. Don’t assume you know someone else’s circumstances. Yes, this is true, especially with all the social media nonsense that seems to be running this world, right now. But I can say from personal experiences, unless you’ve experienced someone else’s circumstances or experienced someone else’s circumstances with them, you don’t really know what’s going on. So, to keep this one shorter – Don’t assume. Especially if they seem ultra happy and “perfect”.
  6. Silence is sometimes platinum and sometimes painful. Remember this applies to solitude as well!
  7. Judge less, spread love more! Be compassionate as much as you can, which is not to say you won’t have your moments but be compassionate with yourself and others. It’s really a relief knowing that everyone is ultimately doing the best they can, even if we don’t agree with it.
  8. I don’t need outside approval from anything and/or anyone, in order to have a great life. My reputation may not be what I want it to be, my self-awareness and self-respect is much greater than some random person on the internet’s (more often than not) distorted opinions of me.
  9. Everyone’s offended by everything, so you might as well live your life and express your creativity to the fullest! Yea, I know that’s really offensive but it’s true.
  10. Despite what social media makes you think, this Universe does NOT revolve around you, it does NOT revolve me and it certainly doesn’t revolve around our shared miseries. There are bigger problems in the world, than our individual situations. So, stop forcing your problems on others and start focusing on being the change you want to see.
  11. Bonus Lesson!: Do NOT, please do NOT take anything for granted. No matter how sucky it may seem, everything you think is crappy and that you think you can live without could be taken away from you, in the blink of eye. So, savor every moment. All of it, good, bad and ugly! Mainly because everything you know, love as well as everything you think you know is true about your life and yourself can collapse, right before your eyes. Don’t take anything for granted, because things can change rapidly. And remember, not everyone is as blessed you are, so be appreciative of that fact.
  12. Bonus Lesson #2!: Be comfortable with sucking. If you have great goals you want to achieve, you need to be comfortable with sucking for a long, long, long time. Yes, it sucks but guess what? That’s the only way you’ll become disciplined. And disciplined is actually the best friend to creativity. So, if you’re willing to embrace and be comfortable with your sucky progress – You’re already halfway there! It’s okay that you’re not where you want to be, give it passion, patience, persistence and peacefulness (with the fact that you’re not yet where you wish to be); you will eventually get there. Patience is a sucky virtue, bitches!
  13. Finale Lesson!: All those perceived failures are just successes being born in a greater way. So, yes, it sucks, you failed 70 times but maybe that 77th time, you just might hit the right note! Don’t give up, but do surrender to the fact that you’re going to fail. Real success is NOT an overnight manifestation, you need to work your backside off if you truly want success. But all those failures are just stepping stones to your greatest success!

Epilogue: In conclusion, I’m sending everyone who reads this some warm thoughts and speaking life into your situations, whatever they may be. Let’s make 2020 the most epic year ever, by working (and sucking, and being patient, and failing; and being compassionate, and giving ourselves more credit. And of course, being less judgmental…) our smartest, hardest and healthiest ways to finally achieve what we want. Here’s to the new decade… Are you ready for it?

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Ready For It?: New Year’s Resolutions

Hello Dear Readers!

It’s me, Sukai and yes, I’m referencing Taylor Swift’s 2017 song “…Ready For It?” as well as it using as click-bait. But that’s not the only reason I chose that title. So, I bet you’re wondering why I did, in fact choose such an intriguing title… Right? Well, it’s all about the idea of being prepared! Obviously, right? But I don’t think people take being prepared and ready to achieve their goals for the new year seriously enough. Although that’s just from what I’ve seen and experienced, in my own life…

So, this blog while it is not a how-to blog specifically; I will be putting in some basic suggestions on how to prepare yourself for the new year of 2019 (or whatever year you’re preparing for, when you read this! Lolzness…) and just take them as suggestions or leave them as annoying tips that are “in every other blog post, like this” you’ve seen and read. Take it as you will, my dear reader! 🙂

Anyway, before I get to the tips; I’d like to talk about the reasons why people don’t prepare for the new year coming and some of my experiences in 2018 that have helped me stay on course although these experiences could be considered “failures” and painful experiences, for sure. I’m sharing them, because that’s what blogging is about to me. Sharing my stuff with the world, lol.

Okay, so my first experience was when I tried to open a store on Etsy (nothing against Etsy) and ended up closing it, this year due to lack of having any sales. I think part of it was not my marketing, but rather my lack of belief in myself and lack of preparedness of what having a store on Etsy would be like. So, I did end up closing it and I felt extremely disappointed in myself. Especially, after making a YouTube video promoting that store and the short-lived Patreon page I had. I don’t use that page anymore and I didn’t even give Patreon any of my banking information. Because, again, I was not prepared for what would happen if I had a successful and/or unsuccessful business on Patreon.

Those two experiences taught me something extremely important about business when it comes to being prepared. The first lesson is 1. ALWAYS believe in the power of your ideas! Yes, it’s an obvious lesson yet I can speak for myself and say it’s not always an easy lesson to learn. Which is why, I will reopening my Etsy sometime in 2019 and you will see a post about it here on my WordPress site; if you decide to follow me. Which I highly recommend you follow me, if you enjoy my blogs at all! 😉 😉 Now, for lesson 2. Good things take time! You’re not going to sell out of your products, your very first day in business. It’s a lot more work than that and it takes much more patience than that, especially if you want to have a successful shop on Etsy. You need to understand that things take time and especially, if you’re a newb to having a shop on the website — It’s not going to be easy to prove your ideas are brilliant, even with a strong belief in yourself and your product ideas. And the final lesson which ties into lesson 2; and that is 3. Favorites are important! People who favorite your shop and like your products are valued people and future customers. If you believe they are! Again, you must believe in yourself and your ideas. But you also have faith in your business and that if people are showing signs that they are interested in your products, then you certainly have a chance! It’s all about never giving up. And I do not consider my situations with Etsy and Patreon failures; but rather lessons on how to really be prepared in online businesses.

Now, for the deeper, more painful life experiences. And that is in late Spring/early Summer 2018, I spent the night at a party at a former friend’s house (his name is Brian Pond and he still lives in Alabama); and he got drunk, humiliated me in front of at least six people and said my music was so “cringe-worthy” that “it hurts” to listen to. Which I’ve honestly gotten better insults about my art, from people on 4Chan, when they raided my YouTube channel… But this guy is a scumbag and he did try to gaslight me, and blame me for his bullcrap. However, I kept moving forward and I’m still posting YouTube videos with my music on them. As you saw from my last post, if you read it! If not, I do recommend you reading my previous blog. 🙂 It’ll help you come alive! 😉 😉 … But the lessons I learned about preparedness from this painful experience, with this scumbag and his whipped girlfriend (Amanda Elliott) is that 1. People are always going to try and tear you down; especially if you have the courage to share your creativity with the world. 2. Sometimes, it’s best to cut out toxicity from your life in order to find yourself and gain strength. And 3. It’s always good to be prepared for the worst. Yes, as bad as that sounds; there are people who are phony and who will try to be your friend only to stab you in the back — You need to be prepared for the B.S. that comes with friendships and finding people worthy of your trust! I know, I know it hurts to face these facts. I know it was painful for me, to accept but I do accept it and I’m learning to trust myself first. Because without self-trust, your intuition will be a bit blurry, when it comes to negative people. Although my aura and sense of people has gotten much clearer, over this past year and that is something I’m extremely thankful for! 🙂

Alright, now for the fun part… My few tips on being ready for the New Year of 2019 (or whatever year you’re reading this…) and a little YouTube video at the end as a reward for reading this all the way through. 🙂 So, my tips for being prepared for the New Year; if you choose to start preparing for 2019 and create goals for yourself! Which if you do that’s great; and if you don’t, that’s fine too. I understand that some people simply read these types of blog for entertainment, and that is perfectly okay by me. ^_^

Tip #01: Year in Review. It’s a simple pen-to-paper exercise, I learned from Marie Forleo and you can find her video on YouTube. But to sum it up, just take out a notebook and a pen and/or pencil and write down the things you accomplished in the year as well as the things you learned and the things you’re willing to let go of when the new year comes. It’s an amazing tool, in terms of gaining perspective and it can be tweaked to fit your way of writing and creating in the personal development area of your own life!

Tip #02: Write Your Resolutions. This is a super simple tip, as well. But just writing down the resolutions you want to make in the New Year; is extremely helpful in you finding your main goals as well as what you really want from yourself inwardly and outwardly in 2019 (or whatever year is coming when you read this…). So, just write your resolutions and you can as many as you want or as few as you want. It’s up to you! Although for me, I’ve realized that shortening my New Year’s Resolutions into a list of 5 items is the greatest way in seeing what you truly want. But that’s just me. Just do you, friend!

Tip #03: Write Your Goals. This tip ties into no.2 quite perfectly, in my belief. But on a separate sheet of paper, just write down your goals and again, I recommend writing up to 5 items. But with the goals, I also recommend adding a section that reads “Extra Things I’m Achieving in 2019” and write down three items you’d like to achieve in 2019. So, it’s 8 goals overall. And the idea is, if you only achieve 5 to 6 of those goals; or even only 3 of the goals then you can look back on 2019 and see that because you planned, you achieved greatly and it payed off well for you. And to quote a great fortune I read, “Good luck comes from good planning.” (Credit to Please keep that in mind, if you’re deciding to actually make this three page inventory and see what comes from it in an experimental mannerism. Because, that’s one way to see how you can have a better year, if your year was anything like mine and was extremely challenging and at times, hellish.

Well, I hope this blog was helpful in some ways to whomever reads it! And now, the sweet treat for all of you who have read this far. And don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel, like the video and share this blog as well as this video on Facebook, Instagram and wherever you like to share your favorite blogs! Thanks! xoxo


#SukaiTodd! ^_^


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Coming Alive, Again!: No More Shame in My Shameless Plugs…

Hello Dear Readers,

I hope everyone is doing well, when you guys read this! 🙂 Alright, so this blog is obviously inspired by “The Greatest Showman (2017)” and particularly, “Come Alive” from “The Greatest Showman”… So, I finally uploaded a video on YouTube of the cover I made of the song “Come Alive”, which I made at least six months ago back when I still lived in Alabama. Yes, it took a while for me to awaken that light within me, again, that’s for sure!


But the positive from this challenging year for me, is the fact that I’ve been so blessed in gaining a stronger sense of self-love and beyond that, freedom to express myself no matter what people say and what the odds are against me! And I think, for a creative person like me – I won’t speak for everyone else, but for me; I’ve gotten to a place mentally where I don’t a (BEEEEEEPPP!) what others think. But, I’m still in the process of gaining the strength to actually see those idiotic, poorly written, badly typed comments full of horrendous grammatical errors and just pathetic typos… So, I’ve made it past the first step. Which is to be in the place, mentally and soulfully, where I believe in myself, no matter what! Which in a way, I’ve never given up hope on who I am and my goals and dreams. I can say that for sure, because I watch so many self-help/self-care videos lol!

However, the point is… I’m not ashamed of who I am or what I create, anymore. I’m not scared of the bitches who are jealous, rude, heartless and just plain foolish enough to talk shit about me! Because I’ve got a blank space in my notebook and I love Misa On Wheels, baby… Just keep that in mind! I may have ADHD, but I don’t ever forget the names of the dumbass, scumbags who are truly unworthy adversaries to me. I mean, this bag of utter trash Brian Pond… If he’s not a scumbag in every sense of the word, I don’t know who is! Anyway, just keep my vengeful streak in your mind, if anyone decides to leave a stupid-ass comment… Ummkay?


Finally, to wrap things up! Here’s my amazingly unique cover, that I can do even better live of “Come Alive” from “The Greatest Showman” starring Hugh Jackman. Ladies and gents, it’s the link, you’ve been waiting for… Oh! And one more thing… It’s called a hustle, sweetheart! 😉 😉 :)!! Shame-free plugs done! 🙂

Music & Being An Otaku, Relationships & Being An Otaku, Uncategorized

A White Girl Pointing Out Racism: A Commentary by Sukai Todd!

Hello Reader(s),

All two of you! Huhh… Okay, so I’m going to do my absolute, very best to not rant in this blog post because a white girl ranting is definitely not tolerated in this society. But let’s move on, before I start getting really enraged. Trigger Warnings: I’m talking about my own life struggles, involved with my race, a little tiny bit of cursing and a lot of sarcasm is used.

Alright, so let’s get into this post… So, I recently posted a rant about why I love the film “The Last Airbender” & get annoyed with people who hate on it. And in the rant, I mentioned that there was racism involved with some of the people who were hating on the movie. And yes, I knew some of those racist people hating on the movie. But apparently, being that I’m a white girl. That is somehow bashing Americans. And yes, I mentioned that a lot of the geeks and nerds who hate on that movie (That I’ve personally dealt with, at anime conventions) were Americans. White Americans. I guess, I shouldn’t have left that little detail out. But yes, it was mostly white American cosplayers and gamers who I’ve dealt with talking crap about the movie… And to me, there is a little racism in that. In my own personal opinion… Not that my opinion matters, but ya’ know?

But once it’s a white girl, like me, pointing out racist white otaku Americans; I’m now all-of-the-sudden “bashing Americans”. And I, in my opinion, disagree. When I bash people, it’s not about their homeland. It’s about their f-ed up attitude. Pardon my French. But no, I’m now an “American-bashing” person who “groups people up” and “talks sh*t” in an “insulting way” to people. What fascinates me, is that the fact the word “Rant” is in the very title of most of these blogs. Rant. Not “happy”, not “Polite” but the word “Rant”. Which means, I don’t always have to be clean-cut and perfectly word things because I’m ranting. But there’s no way, in the world that people cannot get offended anymore!

Which is pretty dang sad, to me… I mean, come on! We’re in 2018; and we’re still talking about this NONSENSE?! If I want to rant and I do in a polite, respectable way; then I guess, people will receive it well. But God, Himself, in Heaven! God forbid, that I rant using curse words and caps lock. That is just so insulting… Well, ranting is obviously supposed to the cleanest, most censored thing in all of the Universe, right? I guess so…

And I know, there’s hypocrisy in everything… I’m not freaking stupid, either! But you know, everyone is highly entitled to their own perfect opinions and to talk crap to other people who also state their own opinions. Whether it’s in rants or speaking a polite, respectable, convincing fashion… But I digress, there is hypocrisy in everyone; in my own, personal opinion. So, forgive me for writing thoughts on my mind in a way that is 100% perfect. That is a serious sin! So, may the Lord have mercy on my forsaken Soul!

Whatever, I’m not that sorry… Because they’re called “rants”, for a reason. But I guess, being a white girl ranting is just totally offensive. So, I apologize for my race, for my skin color and for my way of speaking my mind. Because it’s all, clearly a sin against humanity; itself. And I’m obviously evil. So, forgive me! That’s my two cents…


Sukai! xxxo!

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The Last Airbender: Why I Love The Movie (& Get Annoyed with People Who Hate It) – Another Rant by Sukai Todd!

Hello Readers,

Some of you are going to hate me for even posting this blog, but I’m doing it because I can and I feel like there are some topics that need to be addressed about this seemingly “horrendous” movie; that nobody has the guts (or intelligence) to talk about. So, trigger warning: Yes, strong language. And yes, I’m praising M. Night Shyamalan’s film adaptation of the KOREAN anime series “Avatar: The Last Airbender”. So, if you don’t want to read about this shit; go read another blog or forum where you can hate on the film, all the fuck you want! Are we clear? Good! Let’s get into it…

Okay, so the first thing, I’d love to address to the all haters of “The Last Airbender” film directed by M. Night Shyamalan is the pronunciations of “Aang”, “Sokka” and other names in the film. Ya’ know, how I mentioned earlier that despite most people’s belief, “Avatar: The Last Airbender” is a Japanese anime. It’s NOT. It is a Korean anime, it was first written and piloted in South Korea. *Gasps Dramatically* Shocking! Isn’t it? But yes, sweethearts… It’s a KOREAN anime. Not Japanese. And yes, this is coming a Japanese & Korean anime fan! Or K-Taku. [K-Taku: A word used to describe an otaku (anime lover) who also likes South Korean stuff; such as K-Pop, dramas and anime.]. Alright, so now we’ve established that this anime is Korean. Let’s talk about those name pronunciations… Guess what, folks? The “Aang” pronunciation, that you all know and adore – Is the Americanized version of his name. In actuality, the names are Korean. And as such, M. Night Shyamalan changed the name pronunciations into their original KOREAN pronunciations! *Gasps Again* Shocking, isn’t it? That a director would have the AUDACITY to change the names of Korean anime characters back to their Korean name pronunciations! How dare HE! Isn’t that just the most evil thing, to do an AMERICAN fanbase???! No. Genius (or geniuses, reading this blog who can’t pick up on my cold-ass sarcasm already…). No. Bitches! It’s not an insult. It’s fucking respecting the origins of the anime, in my humble opinion. So, for all you American smartass otakus who wanna say “But it’s pronounced ‘Aang’!”; do your research, next time! Because in the Korean version, it isn’t. So, BINGO! There’s a reason, why he changed the name pronunciations.

But, God forbid an American audience fucking get that their skulls… Especially seeing M. Night Shyamalan has some roots NOT in America. Now, let’s talk about the “white-washing” in this film… Yes, some of the characters were played by white people. But in my opinion, race should NOT be an issue; because these actors and actresses pulled off their characters well… And you wanna talk race, with me? Let’s about Dev Petal, who played the well-loved (and early on deeply despised, by the fandom) character Prince Zuko. Dev Petal, is not white. It’s easy to tell, in the movie. Nor is the man who plays Uncle Iroh… Well, isn’t that just the darnedest thing? And Princess Yue is not played a white actor, either. So, once more, RACE should NOT be an issue in terms of actors and actresses either! But I digress, most people will try and pull that card in the comments because they want to seem like they know more about racial issues in America than I do.

Which, if you’d like to pull that shit read my previous blog called “Dear Humanity” and see how intelligent you are, after reading it! Shameless plugs, out of the way… It’s time for me to address the biggest issue, that annoys me with these haters of the movie. They think they know everything about film-making… When HALF of them, actually probably more than half of them (those gaming otakus, yea, I’m looking at you guys…); have NEVER made a big budget movie, in their life! And more than half of them, don’t know how challenging that is! Now, you can guess, I haven’t made a big-budget film in my life, yet… But it is a goal of mine! So, I’ve been a behind-the-scenes person with DVDs, like it’s nobody’s business… And I can tell you, from what I’ve seen it takes plenty of sleepless nights, tons of work and a ton of frustrations to make a beautiful movie. And “The Last Airbender” was a beautiful movie, in every sense of the phrase, in my opinion! The costumes, the music and the message in the movie. To flow like water… I cried at the movie, because it moved me! It saved my life, at a time when I seriously needed it…

Although, having an emotional connection to a movie, people hate is truly a horrendous thing in this nerd-raging community, these days… So, ya’ know? I’m such an evil person for actually acknowledging that! Right? Wrong! Because, guess what I’m a humanoid Moon princess who came to carve my own path and possibly inspire the only other human being alive (if there is one…) who also loves this film. Most likely, through this blog post! Though, I’m not 100% sure. And I don’t think, I need to be. I’ll let the Universe tell me. And for anyone ready to type, your hate comments… Just know, I won’t be listening. Because I do think you’re all blind, deaf and dumb; if you’ve actually read the entirety of this blog and still want to hate on me and hate on the movie — After all you’ve just learned. Yes, you’re all ignorant, if you leave those hate comments! But that’s just my opinion… Send me death threats, if you so desire… And I’ll send them to the cops, in my area! ^_^ Keep that in mind, geniuses!

And for anyone, who does on the 1,000% off-chance actually like this blog and does agree with me. You’re welcome to speak up, as well! Just because, this movie doesn’t deserve all the bullshit hatred it gets; in my opinion. And if people actually did their research, they would be a little smarter about the movies they hate on. Although some of it, is a racial thing… Which annoys me, the most about these nerd-rage bitches! It’s your opinion, it doesn’t mean 1. It’s actually valid and 2. It does NOT mean you’re right or that it’s ACTUALLY true. So, stop forcing your dumbass rage on others, who DO NOT agree with you! And again, any death threats will be documented and sent to my local cops. But I know, there are idiots online… So, I’m prepared for those idiots.

However, I feel that I’ve ranted enough… Bitches can say whatever they want and still look like ignorant dumbasses, with no signs of intelligence to me. And yes, everyone is entitled to their opinions. But it’s time we end nerd rage. So, let’s end it! Starting with this obviously enraged ranting, but it could be used a great example; if anyone wants to cite it for their own work in creating positivity in this toxic-ass cosplay community. Remember though, use MLA format, folks! 😉 😉 Well, those are my two cents to a twenty bill on this annoying-ass issue, I’ve held back on for like 6 years… I think I’ve said more than enough!

Thanks For Reading This (For those few who read it all the through…),

Sukai Todd! xoxo